Selasa, 05 April 2022

Samsung Stop Pembaruan Software untuk Galaxy S9 Series

Samsung Stop Pembaruan Software untuk Galaxy S9 Series

Samsung Galaxy S9 dan S9+ tidak akan lagi menerima pembaruan software mulai dari sekarang. Samrtphone unggulan Samsung pada awal 2018 ini sudah bukan lagi menjadi perangkat yang termasuk dalam daftar yang memenuhi syarat untuk menerima pembaruan keamanan.

Sedangkan Samsung Galaxy S Series di atasnya, yakni seri Galaxy S10, mulai saat ini hanya akan mendapatkan pembaruan per tiga bulan sekali. Dimana sebelumnya masih mendapatkan pembaruan setiap sebulan sekali. Hal ini cukup wajar mengingat usia smartphone mantan flagship tersebut sudah lebih dari 3 tahun.

Dengan tidak lagi mendapatkan pembaruan rutin dari Samsung, seri Galaxy S9 telah resmi mengikuti jejak pendahulunya. Yang pada awal tahun 2021 lalu, seri S8 juga secara resmi tidak lagi mendapat pembaruan sistem. Sementara itu, pada saat yang sama di tahun lalu, seri S9 masih mendapatkan pembaruan per tiga bulan sekali.

Pembaruan besar terakhir untuk smartphone Samsung seri Galaxy S9 adalah ketika mendapat sistem operasi One UI 2.5. Yang mana hal itu terjadi pada akhir tahun 2020.

Minggu, 03 April 2022

7 Tips Mengelola Uang untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Anda

Tips Pengelolaan Uang untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan

Anda tidak harus punya pekerjaan dengan gaji tinggi atau harus dapat warisan dulu untuk bisa meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Pengelolaan uang yang lebih baik adalah kunci utamanya. Pengelolaan uang yang baik bisa mengurangi pengeluaran bulanan, meningkatkan kemampuan untuk berinvestasi dan menabung, serta mencapai tujuan keuangan yang sebelumnya tampak mustahil.

Bahkan jika saat ini Anda sedang merasa keuangan pribadi terjebak di tempat yang buruk tanpa jalan keluar sekalipun, ada beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menciptakan situasi yang lebih baik di masa depan. Berikut adalah tujuh tips yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk memulainya.

1. Lacak Pengeluaran Anda

Jika Anda tidak tahu apa dan di mana Anda menghabiskan uang setiap bulannya. Kemungkinan besar kebiasaan belanja pribadi Anda tidak terlalu baik.

Pengelolaan uang yang lebih baik dimulai dengan kesadaran akan pengeluaran. Gunakan aplikasi pengelolaan uang untuk melacak pengeluaran di semua kategori, dan lihat sendiri berapa banyak yang Anda belanjakan untuk hal-hal yang tidak penting. Seperti makan di luar, hiburan, dan bahkan untuk membeli makanan kecil sekalipun. Setelah Anda mendidik diri sendiri tentang kebiasaan ini, Anda dapat membuat rencana untuk meningkatkannya.

2. Buat Anggaran Bulanan yang Realistis

Gunakan kebiasaan pengeluaran bulanan Anda, serta gaji bulanan Anda, untuk menetapkan anggaran yang Anda tahu dapat Anda gunakan.

Tidak ada gunanya mengatur anggaran yang terlalu ketat dan menimbulkan perubahan drastis. Seperti tidak pernah makan di luar atau ngopi bersama teman dan kerabat, yang padahal Anda memerlukannya. Buat anggaran yang realistis dan tetap memerhatikan diri Anda. Anda tetap boleh melakukan gaya hidup dan kebiasaan belanja Anda seperti sebelumnya, namun harus realistis. Hitung dan lakukan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang Anda bisa.

Anda bisa menggunakan cara ini untuk melihat anggaran sebagai cara untuk mendorong kebiasaan yang lebih baik. Seperti makan di rumah lebih sering bersama keluarga, membuat makanan ringan sendiri di rumah. Selain akan lebih hemat, Anda juga akan punya waktu yang lebih berkualitas.

3. Tingkatkan Tabungan Anda—Meskipun Butuh Waktu

Siapkan dana darurat yang dapat Anda gunakan ketika berada pada keadaan tak terduga. Sekalipun mungkin Anda hanya menyisihkan sebagian kecil setiap bulan. Namun dana tersebut dapat menyelamatkan Anda dari situasi berisiko, seperti ketika tidak mampu membayar tagihan bulanan tepat waktu. Anda dapat menghindarkan diri dari meminjam uang dengan suku bunga tinggi.

Selain itu, Anda juga harus menyisihkan uang untuk dimasukan ke tabungan masa depan. Agar dapat memperkuat keamanan finansial Anda jika saja terjadi kehilangan pekerjaan, misalnya. Gunakan aplikasi autodebet agar sekaligus membiasakan diri untuk menyimpan uang.

4. Bayar Tagihan Tepat Waktu

Membayar tagihan tepat waktu adalah cara termudah dalam mengelola uang dengan bijak. Kebiasaan ini dapat membantu Anda menghindari biaya keterlambatan, serta melatih diri untuk memprioritaskan pengeluaran yang bersifat penting. Riwayat pembayaran tepat waktu yang kuat juga dapat meningkatkan skor kredit Anda dan meningkatkan suku bunga Anda.

5. Kurangi Biaya Berlangganan yang Jarang Digunakan

Apakah Anda berlangganan layanan yang tidak pernah Anda gunakan? Seperti layanan streaming atau aplikasi seluler misalnya. Layanan seperti ini bisa membebani rekening bank Anda, yang bahkan Anda tidak menggunakannya secara rutin. Tinjau pengeluaran Anda untuk tagihan seperti ini, dan pertimbangkan untuk membatalkan langganan yang tidak perlu untuk menyimpan lebih banyak uang setiap bulan.

6. Biasakan Membeli Secara Tunai

Jenis pinjaman dan cicilan tertentu dapat membantu Anda saat melakukan pembelian barang, seperti gadget, perabotan, atau bahkan kendaraan dan rumah. Tetapi untuk jenis pembelian barang non produktif dan non esensial, metode pembayaran tunai adalah pilihan paling aman dan paling murah.

Ketika Anda membeli secara tunai, Anda menghindari untuk membayar bunga dan menciptakan utang yang membutuhkan waktu berbulan-bulan—atau bahkan, seringkali, bertahun-tahun—untuk melunasinya. Sementara itu, jika uang tersebut Anda simpan dalam sarana investasi, bisa lebih menguntungkan karena adanya imbal hasil yang bisa Anda peroleh.

7. Mulai Strategi Investasi

Sekalipun kemampuan Anda untuk berinvestasi terbatas, menyisihkan sebagian kecil uang ke akun investasi dapat membantu Anda menggunakan uang hasil kerja keras untuk menghasilkan uang lain yang lebih banyak.

Cari tahu jenis investasi apa yang bisa Anda masuki dengan dengan dana terbatas. Kemudian pilih yang memiliki imbal hasil paling tinggi dan masih masuk akal. Hindari iming-iming investasi dengan kedok imbal hasil yang tinggi dan instan, namun tidak masuk akal.


Jalan menuju keuangan yang lebih baik dimulai dengan mengubah kebiasaan Anda sendiri. Beberapa dari perubahan ini akan terasa lebih mudah untuk dikerjakan daripada yang lainnya. Tetapi jika Anda tetap berkomitmen pada transformasi ini, Anda akan mendapatkan keterampilan pengelolaan uang yang hebat dan akan membantu Anda sepanjang hidup ke depannya. Hingga akhirnya, Anda akan memiliki lebih banyak uang dalam tabungan.

Android 13 Bisa Pakai Dua Koneksi Operator Pada Satu eSIM

Android 13 Bisa Pakai Dua Koneksi Operator Pada Satu eSIM

Google sedang mengerjakan fitur Android 13 yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk bisa menggunakan dua koneksi operator pada satu eSIM yang mereka gunakan. Fitur ini berpotensi untuk menjadikan Android sebagai sistem operasi yang berada satu langkah di depan dibandingkan sistem operasi lainnya.

Dengan adanya fitur 2 in 1 ini, para pabrikan smartphone yang menggunakan Android dapat menyisakan ruang ekstra untuk dimanfaatkan ke hal lain yang lebih berguna. Sehingga pemanfaatan ruang pada body smartphone menjadi lebih efisien.

Melalui fitur yang disebut Multiple Enabled Profiles (MEP), raksasa teknologi ini ingin menetapkan dua profil operator ke satu eSIM dan dengan mudah beralih antar jaringan. Google diketahui telah mendaftarkan paten untuk fitur baru ini sejak tahun 2020 lalu. Dimana disebutkan keterangan terkait pemisahan antarmuka SIM yang ada menjadi dua koneksi digital.

Pengembangan eSIM Dua Koneksi Pada Android

Dalam sebuah keterangan lain, sudah sejak lama Google mengembangkan fitur ini. Bahkan mereka diketahui sedang mengujinya pada pengembangan perangkat Pixel.

Di masa depan, mungkin saja fitur ini akan menjadi hal yang umum ada di semua smartphone, dan Google adalah pemimpinnya. Pabrikan bisa membuang slot kartu SIM sebagian, sehingga menyisakan ruang untuk diisi oleh komponen lain. Pengguna bisa mendapatkan slot kartu microSD yang bukan hybrid, atau mendapatkan HP dengan baterai yang sedikit lebih besar.

Meskipun kemungkinan besarnya fitur ini akan hadir pertama kali di Android 13. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat diimplementasikan juga di iOS atau bahkan Windows.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2022

Tak Perlu Beli, Apple Bakal Sewakan iPhone Mulai Tahun Depan

Tak Perlu Beli, Apple Bakal Sewakan iPhone Mulai Tahun Depan

Mulai tahun depan, kamu tak perlu lagi melakukan pembelian untuk bisa mendapatkan iPhone terbaru. Karena saat ini, Apple sedang menyiapkan cara baru untuk para pecinta produknya agar bisa memiliki iPhone dan perangkat keras Apple lainnya tanpa haru membayar di muka. Yakni dengan memberikan layanan berbasis langganan.

Intinya, pengguna harus membayar biaya tetap setiap bulan dan mereka berhak mendapatkan iPhone pilihan mereka dengan upgrade gratis saat model baru keluar.

Paket Layanan Sewa iPhone Dari Apple

Layanan ini akan berbeda dari paket cicilan yang saat ini ditawarkan juga oleh Apple atau para penyedia layanan keuangan. Pengguna dapat membayar biaya sewa tetap yang dibayarkan setiap bulan, yang mana itu bukanlah harga iPhone kemudian dibagi 12, 24 atau 36 bulan sebagaimana sebuah cicilan.

Layanan berlangganan iPhone akan dikaitkan dengan akun ID Apple pengguna, yang biaya tersebut juga mencakup layanan Apple Care gratis serta layanan Apple One seperti Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, iCloud+, Apple News+, dan Apple Fitness+. Jadi pengguna cukup berlangganan satu paket untuk bisa mendapatkan semuanya

Paket berlangganan baru Apple ini kemungkinan segera hadir pada akhir tahun ini atau awal tahun 2023. Produk pertama yang jadi jualannya adalah iPhone, dan kemungkinan juga berlaku untuk jajaran perangkat keras Apple lainnya termasuk iPad, MacBook, dan Apple Watch.

Hingga saat ini belum ada keterangan pasti terkait harga langganannya. Namun berdasarkan sebuah bocoran dari Bloomberg, pengguna akan dikenakan biaya mulai dari $20 hingga $40 per bulan. Kita masih menunggu akan seperti apa sistem berlangganannya, serta bagaimana jika pengguna ingin berhenti berlangganan.

Google Sudah Lebih Dulu Sewakan Pixel

Model sewa perangkat seperti ini sebelumnya sudah lebih dulu diterapkan oleh Google dengan Pixel Pass mereka. Pengguna dapat memilih perangkat smartphone yang ingin digunakan, apakah mau Pixel 6 atau Pixel 6 Pro, yang kemudian dibundel dengan layanan-layanan premium Google. Harga paket berlangganan Pixel Pass seharga $45 hingga $55 per bulan.

Jumat, 18 Februari 2022

How to Give First Aid to People Who Have Seizures Due to Epilepsy

How to Give First Aid to People Who Have Seizures Due to Epilepsy

“A person can have epilepsy that recurs suddenly without warning. Of course, this can be dangerous if you don't get immediate action. Therefore, you need to know how to give first aid if someone suddenly develops epilepsy.”

You are certainly confused about what to do when you see someone who has sudden seizures which may be caused by epilepsy. Someone who experiences this problem needs to get immediate treatment so that the bad effects can be avoided. Well, find out how to perform first aid on someone with epilepsy here!

First Aid for People with Epilepsy Needs to be Done

Epilepsy is a common brain condition that can cause a person to have repeated seizures for no apparent reason. A person who experiences frequent seizures is prone to occur without warning and can even interfere with consciousness. Seizures can cause injury and fall to death if the person experiencing it is not careful.

In addition, from the side of someone who sees another person experiencing sudden seizures due to epilepsy, of course, panic will arise. If you know a quick and proper way to help, this action can even save someone's life when experiencing the problem.

Therefore, you need to know how to give first aid to someone who has relapsed epilepsy. Here are some ways:

  • Give people with epilepsy some room to breathe and ask those around them to stay away.
  • Keep hard or sharp objects away, such as glasses and furniture.
  • If you feel that he has food or liquid in his mouth, immediately roll over to the side.
  • Place something soft under his head for cushioning.
  • Loosen the tight parts of the clothing to make it easier to breathe, especially around the neck.
  • If you can, record the time the seizure occurred.
  • Do not put anything in its mouth or move it unless its position is in danger.

Also, make sure to always be with the person who has epilepsy until he is fully conscious. Never shake it or even yell at it because of course this doesn't help. You are also advised to immediately seek help from the nearest hospital to take action and send an ambulance so that problems that occur can be resolved.

You also need to be with someone who is having a seizure for as long as necessary. Stay with him until he is fully aware of where he is and can respond normally when you talk to him. Try to speak calmly and explain what happened. Do not give him food or drink until he is fully recovered.

Well, you also need to know the right time to get medical help when:

  • The first seizure occurs in children.
  • The seizure lasts more than 5 minutes.
  • Another seizure occurs soon after the first one stops.
  • A person with epilepsy is still unconscious after the seizures have stopped.
  • This person was injured while unconscious.

Well, now you know the various ways to perform first aid on someone who is experiencing a recurrence of epilepsy. By doing all the ways mentioned, you might have saved the person's life. The most important thing is that you don't panic while applying all of these things until medical help arrives or the person wakes up.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2022

Gluten-Free Almond Banana Pancakes Recipe

Gluten-Free Almond Banana Pancakes Recipe

Almost everyone likes to eat pancakes for breakfast or lunch. This banana pancake recipe uses almond flour to make it gluten-free. It tastes so delicious and perfect.

Gluten-Free Almond Banana Pancakes Recipe

Ingredients Make Gluten-Free Almond Banana Pancakes Recipe

Pancake Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of ripe banana (2-3 bananas)
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 grams of almond flour (can also use oat flour)
  • 11/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 60 ml of milk

To serve:

  • Maple Syrup
  • Banana Slices

Cooking Steps


  1. Blend all the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Heat a pan on a low heat.

Cooking Pancakes

  1. Pour a little oil or butter on the surface of the pan, flattening.
  2. Place the dough on a pan to make a circle about 6 cm/ 2.3 inches in diameter.
  3. Cook over a low heat and do not let it burn, taking longer than wheat flour pancakes.
  4. When bubbles are visible at the top of the pancake, flip them carefully.
  5. Let them cook for a few minutes and remove.


  1. Serve with banana slices and maple syrup.
Almond Banana Pancakes

Selasa, 15 Februari 2022

Raspberry French Toast Casserole Recipe

Raspberry French Toast Casserole - Easy Recipes to make at home

How to make your own Raspberry French Toast Casserole at home easily. A dish that is suitable to be eaten warm in the morning or when it is raining.

*Duration of baking for 50 minutes

Raspberry French Toast Casserole Ingredients

  • 15 slices bread, cubed
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 pint raspberries

How to Make a Raspberry French Toast Casserole

  1. Grease 9x13 pan. Cube bread and add to pan.
  2. Melt butter. Stir in brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Whisk in milk and vanilla, then add eggs and continue to whisk.
  3. Pour mixture evenly over bread then add raspberries. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight.
  4. In morning, remove from fridge, preheat oven to 350o. Bake for 30 minutes, uncover and bake for additional 15 minutes.
  5. Drizzle with syrup, bake 5 more minutes.

Senin, 14 Februari 2022

Mini Cheesecake Recipe with Strawberry Topping

Mini Cheesecake Recipe with Strawberry Topping

Cheesecake recipes that are easy to make at home. Nice served during the holidays, Valentine's Day celebrations, family gatherings, and other events. This cake can describe affection and happiness.

*Duration of baking for 30 minutes (3/4 hours cooling time)

Cheesecake Ingredients

Gram cracker crust

  • 1 cup Gram crackers (crushed)
  • 3 1/2 tbs butter (melted)
  • 3 tbs sugar (for gram cracker crust)

Cheese cake filling

  • 2 packs (8 oz) cream cheese
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs Room temperature

Strawberry Topping (optional)

  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Strawberry’s sliced
  • Juice from a lemon juice
  • Lemon zest

How to Make a Mini Cheesecake with Strawberry Topping

  1. In a medium mixing bowl add your crushed gram cracker. Add in 3 tbs of sugar and stir until well combined.
  2. Add in 3 1/2 tbs of melted butter and combine.
  3. Line your cupcake pan with cupcake liners. And add in a spoon full of gram cracker mixture. Press down firmly to secure the crust. Bake the crust for 5 minutes at 325o.
  4. In your stand mixer (or with a hand mixer) combine your sour cream and cream cheese until smooth in consistency.
  5. Add in your sugar and vanilla extract. Combine again until smooth in consistency.
  6. Add your eggs one at a time and mix on low until combined.
  7. Fill each cake cup (you want them to be close to the top) and put in your oven at 325o for 17-20 minutes.
  8. Once done remove from oven and let sit for 1 hour before removing from cake pan.
  9. In a small bowl add in sliced strawberries, lemon juice, sugar and combine. Took off with lemon zest. Cover Refrigerate to top cheesecakes.
  10. After one hour refrigerate mini cheesecakes in a air tight container for 2-3 hours.
  11. When ready to serve top with berry mixture and serve.

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2022

Know What a Target Market Is and How to Determine It

Know What a Target Market Is and How to Determine It

The target market is one of the most important things that all business owners must understand, be it offline business or online business. To determine the right marketing strategy to grow the business, then you must know the target market of your business first.

We'll help you to understand more about what your target market is, how to define it, and anything else related to the topic.

What is a target market?

The target market is a group of consumers or customers who are targeted by businesses to approach. The goal is for that the consumer group to buy the product or service you offer. A reliable businessman will group his target market based on traits, age ranges, or characters and habits that are considered aligned or relevant.

In determining the target market, business owners must group people with specific segments. Through this segmentation activity, business owners can obtain data and process it to determine which market segments or consumers are considered most in accordance with the characteristics of the business carried out. The target market is a basic thing that must be known by business owners.

The target market cannot be selected or determined without doing what is called market segmentation. Market segmentation is the activity of dividing heterogeneous groups of prospective buyers into smaller homogeneous groups.

All business owners must segment the market first before they can determine an accurate and appropriate target market for the business.

In general, the target market can be interpreted as a group of consumers who have been divided according to their respective segments targeted by business owners in order to buy the products or services offered.

Benefits of Knowing the Target Market

The target market aims to ensure that the marketing strategy you do can be precise. It is important to increase sales while measuring the success rate of the marketing strategy you are using.
Here are some benefits if you can figure out your target market:

1. Increase Sales

Knowing the target market can allow you to create products faster so that you can market them first than your competitors. As a result, your sales of the product will increase.

You will also find it easier to develop your product. All the data you have from your target market will help in determining which products customers like and which products are less popular.

Not only that, your ability to meet customer needs well will encourage customer loyalty. Please note, 65% of the company's profits come from loyal customers.

If this is applied to every product, it will certainly give better results.

2. Know the Budget Needed Better

The marketing strategy you do will cost you. If you don't define your target market strategy beforehand, you'll most likely market your product to everyone. This means that the budget you spend will be very much, and it is not good for business finances.

Although you may end up selling a large number of products, the profits you get will be relatively small because the marketing costs incurred are many.

By knowing the target market then you can devise a marketing strategy more precisely.

3. Anticipating Your Business Competitors

If your business has competitors, don't worry too much. Your ability to anticipate competition by knowing your target market will give you an advantage.

The key is to know your target market preferences and see what competitors have to offer in that market. Then create a product with features or advantages that can not be offered by your competitors.

Knowing your target market can help you stand out more than your competitors. That's what big companies like Apple and Nike are doing with their products.

4. Make it easier to Prepare Promotional Content

Your target market will determine whether promotion or marketing will be done through print media such as newspapers and magazines or marketing through social media only.

The success of a marketing strategy is influenced by the promotional content used. The more relevant the content used with the target market, the more successful this strategy is in attracting customers. The potential sales of the product can be boosted to the maximum.

5. Build Communication with Customers

By knowing your target market, it will be easier for you to communicate with your customers. The purpose of such communication is to understand the needs of the customer.

The communication you do can be through surveys, polls, or other means. Because you already know the target market you want to reach, you know who you deserve to participate in the activity. The information obtained will also be very important to determine the new product you will create.

Surely the products that customers need will be easier to sell, right?

6. Opening Investment for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)

Investing is one of the most effective ways to grow a business, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

If you want others to invest in your business, show that it is well planned. One way is to show a clear vision and mission and understand the target market you want to reach.

Investors will be more confident to work together to grow your business.

How to Determine the Target Market

Given the importance of knowing the target market for your business, learning how to determine the right target market for your business is the right thing to do.

Then how do I do it? Let's learn the steps to determine the target market exactly one by one:

1. Start With Assumptions

If you already have a product you want to market, you can look at the statistics of your current customers, then create a list of target markets that you think are potential for those products.

For example, your product is a young fashion product such as shoes that have an attractive and contemporary design and are priced at an affordable price. This product is also easy to buy through various online stores or other marketplaces, apart from your own online store.

So, you can assume that your target market of products is teenagers who tend to want to look different from shoes that have a unique design. They are also active smartphone users and love to shop online. The target market of your product is those who buy the product by comparing prices.

On the other hand, if you have not or are new to making a product, then you can try to make assumptions about your product and who the target market is by using the above methods.

2. Observing Market Competition

Since every product must have competitors, you must be smart to research or observe the competition in that market. This will make it easier for you to find a gap to attract customers to buy your product compared to your competitor's product.

Product excellence can be in terms of features, price, and ease of purchase. By learning how the market responds to your product and how your competitors offer similar products, you can create or develop your best product.

You can also see what makes consumers buy your products compared to your competitors' products.

3. Communicate with Your Customers

To convince customers to buy the products or services you sell, you must be able to meet your customers directly. By communicating to customers, you will know their needs and how your product impacts them.

For example, you have a travel business. You may find the fact that your customers not only want to go and be in the vehicle, but also want to travel. With this information, you can be creative in creating travel package products with additional interesting tours.

Many tourist sites that can be visited when traveling, so there will be many package options as well. Do some research on which places your customers would prefer to visit by communicating with them. There will likely be many customers as well who want a travel package.

This also applies to proving that the assumptions you have made before about your target market are correct or not.

4. Take Advantage of Analysis Tools

You can take advantage of technological advances to get the expected results or even better. By using data processing tools or analytics tools, you can find out your target market.

For example, you can use Google Trends to find out what people are currently searching for on Google. When you enter the keyword “Digital Marketing Agency”, it is likely that you will find results related to that search.

However, the usefulness of the tool depends on the user. If you use it properly, then you can get useful information too. Therefore, enter keywords that are appropriate and relevant to your business to get useful information.

5. Creating a Buyer Persona

A buyer persona is a representation of your customer. That is, you describe potential buyers based on physical characteristics, demographics, and other factors.

To build a buyer persona, you can start by determining your gender, age, lifestyle, and more. With specific data, your target market will be more unique.

You can get data for buyer personas from a variety of analysis tools. If you have a website, Google Analytics is a great tool. This tool is able to record information about your website visitors starting from the location, duration of accessing your website, even the profile of the visitor.

You can create more than one buyer persona, depending on your business type.

6. Explain the Advantages of Your Product

After you determine the buyer persona of your prospective customers as well as your competitors, the next step is to show the advantages of your product.

If your business offers products that highlight features, then you should focus on explaining the sophistication of the features of the product.

For example, Apple calls all the products they own as premium products. This makes the price factor no longer a major consideration because the features presented are equivalent to the price.

7. Creating Brand Positioning

Brand positioning aims to create a perception of a product for customers. The role of brand positioning is very important to sell a product. According to data, 91% of consumers tend to buy products from brands that are well known or have big names.

If you succeed in creating a brand positioning, your target market will form itself. In the future you just need to maintain your brand to get the maximum market potential.

Strategy for Determining the Target Market

Another thing that is no less important than the target market is the determination of strategy. There are at least four market targeting strategies that are commonly used by business owners:

1. Mass Marketing

Business owners use mass marketing strategies to target a large number of markets to sell their products. This strategy does not really apply segmentation in determining its customers. Because the products offered are general needs that are needed by everyone.

Examples of products that can be marketed with this strategy are soap, toothbrushes, and other toiletries.

In implementing this strategy, the focus of business owners is more directed at how to make more people aware of the products offered. So that the potential for consumers to come and buy these products will be higher.

2. Differentiated Marketing

Differentiated marketing is a strategy to target a more specific target market.

For example, if you previously sold regular soap products, now you can differentiate soap for men and women.

3. Niche Marketing

A smaller and more specific target market strategy is to use niche marketing.

An example of a product that can use this strategy is the sale of a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Despite the relatively smaller market size, niche marketing can be a means of market penetration.

This can also make business people as market leaders in the targeted niche as long as they apply the right strategy.

4. Micro Marketing

The last is the strategy of targeting a more specific target market, namely micro marketing.

This strategy is suitable to be applied to the products offered are limited by location, type of goods, or time.

What to Do After Knowing the Target Market?

After understanding about the target market, there are several things that business owners still need to do to make their products more in demand. One of them is to create or always innovate with new products. The goal is to make the product more attractive.

This process can be done by finding new types of products, changing packaging or prices, to offering an easy product delivery process. Business owners can also promote products to a predetermined target market in order to attract new consumers.

So what if sales do not increase even though they have targeted the intended market segment? One solution that can be chosen is retargeting, namely using different methods or promotional media, such as using other social media. The goal is to remind potential consumers about the advantages of the products offered.

Jumat, 11 Februari 2022

The Best Way to Protect Yourself from Omicron's Dangers

The Best Way to Protect Yourself from Omicron's Dangers

Omicron's danger is thought to be due to its high rate of transmission, although the severity of the disease is relatively lower. This is evidenced by its rapid spread around the world. So, what to look out for and how do we protect ourselves? 

Cases of COVID-19 Omicron variant mostly come from foreign travel actors and foreign nationals. Therefore, the government urges the public to refrain from traveling to countries with high Omicron danger.

In addition to coming from people who have recently traveled abroad, the Omicron variant's COVID-19 variant has also become a local transmission. This means that vigilance and discipline in implementing health protocols remain a must, in order to protect themselves and their families.

Is COVID-19 More Dangerous?

The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 will experience a higher increase than the Delta variant. This high rate of transmission allows Omicron to infect people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 and do not even cause symptoms.

However, Omicron's danger is accompanied by a lower level of hospital availability. Clinical trials show that the risk of COVID-19 with severe symptoms is lower in patients infected with Omicron than in delta variants. Although this still requires further research.

In addition to the extent of transmission and severity of the disease, the things surrounding Omicron's dangers that also raise many questions are common symptoms of the disease. A study revealed that the symptoms of COVID-19 Omicron variant are not much different from the symptoms of COVID-19 in general.

Symptoms in each person can also be different, depending on factors, such as vaccination, age, and having certain medical conditions. According to the study, the following are some of the symptoms commonly found in patients with the Omicron variant of COVID-19:

  • Cold
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Stuffy nose
  • Chills
  • Fever

Although the severity of the disease in the COVID-19 variant of Omicron is suspected to be lower than other variants. But people who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine remain at high risk of severe disease. Therefore, make sure you get vaccinated against COVID-19 to reduce your risk of getting infected with Omicron.

What to look out for from Omicron's dangers?

The COVID-19 variant of Omicron raises a lot of concern. Moreover, community activities began to return as before, including working in offices, recreation, and teaching and learning activities.

The high risk of transmission is suspected to be one of the dangers of Omicron to watch out for. Make sure you've got the full COVID-19 vaccination and run health protocols wherever you are to protect yourself from the risk of contracting it.

As one of the prevention efforts, the selection and how to wear the correct mask can protect you from the dangers of Omicron.

The nose and mouth should be closed when wearing a mask, so that liquids or aerosols do not easily enter. Masks should also always be worn when in public places, both indoors and outdoors.

Do not forget to always keep a distance of at least 1 meter with others, open ventilation while indoors, wash your hands regularly, and stay away from crowds.

Consumption of the Right Nutrients

In order to stay healthy and avoid the dangers of Omicron, the body needs proper nutrient intake. Eat a variety of foods with more fruit and vegetable portions. You can also add nuts and healthy fats, such as olive oil, sesame, or peanuts.

Consuming herbal products such as turmeric and ginger can also help maintain body health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Turmeric is known to relieve fever, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath which are early symptoms of COVID-19 infection, as well as increase endurance. Meanwhile, ginger can help fight bacteria and viruses in the body, including viruses that cause sore throats.

Omicron's dangers still require more in-depth research to ascertain the extent of transmission and severity of the disease. Stick to health protocols and complete your vaccination dose to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19.

If you feel the symptoms of COVID-19 Omicron variant as mentioned above, consult a doctor to make sure and get the best treatment.

Rabu, 09 Februari 2022

5 Ways to Determine the Selling Price of a Product

5 Ways to Determine the Selling Price of a Product

Being a beginner businessman will provide many challenges that need to be learned in order for the business to run well and profitable. There are many things that must be taken into account carefully, one of which is the selling price of the product. 

The selling price of the product becomes one of the determinants, whether it attracts buyers, makes a profit, or actually brings losses due to inappropriate prices.

When the price of the product is too high, customers can be reluctant to make a purchase, because there are many similar products at a cheaper price. Vice versa, if the price of the product is too cheap, it can cause losses in the business.

Make sure you always have the right calculations and considerations in determining the price of the product in the market. In order to make it easier for you to determine the selling price of the product, here are some ways to determine the price of the product that can be used as a benchmark.

1. Markup Pricing

Markup pricing is a technique of determining the selling price of products by adding value to profits from the value of the raw material price of the product.

You can sum the overall cost of buying raw materials first, then determine a certain percentage and sum it to get the selling price of the product.

Selling price = raw material price + (raw material price x Markup)

For example: 

If you want to sell iced coffee with a capital of $ 5 per glass, while you want to get a profit (markup) of 25%, then the calculation is as follows: 

Selling price = $5 + ($5 x 25%) = $6.25 per glass. 

Based on the calculations above, then you will get a profit of $ 1.25 for each cup of coffee sold.

2. Margin Pricing

The Margin Pricing technique is the opposite of markup pricing. In this method you will determine the amount of capital and also the selling price of the product first, then find the percentage of profit obtained from the sale.

Margin pricing = (Selling Price – Capital Price) / Selling Price

For example:

You plan to sell iced coffee for $ 5 per glass and want to sell it at a price of Rp 10 per glass. Then the calculation of the percentage of profits is as follows: 

Margin pricing = ($10 - $5) / 10 = 50%

If you feel the amount of profit above is too large, then you can reduce the selling price of the product. However, if you feel the amount of profit is too small, then you can increase the selling price of the product.

3. Value Based Pricing (VBP)

VBP becomes a way of determining selling prices that are unique and different from others. In this method, you will determine the selling price based on the value obtained by the customer.

Your customers will determine how much the product is sold in the market based on their desire to pay (spend money) to get the product you sell.

This technique is quite difficult to apply in business, although there are some business people who use it. To apply this in business, you can use at least the following 2 steps:

Do research in advance on customers, so you get their response to products that will be sold or are being released in the market. 

Immediately determine the selling price is quite high from the beginning.

4. MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)

MSRP is the pricing of products that are done by way of the business owner suggesting a certain price to his customers. 

This method is quite well known by certain applications, for example: "adjusted retail price". In general, MSRP is used in manufacturing companies, such as automotive companies and others.

Price changes are very likely to occur in this one technique. Although in certain products already use the MSRP label, there is always the possibility of the manufacturer or retailer making price changes to be higher. 

This does not matter, especially if it turns out that the market demand for the product is also high. And conversely, the opportunity of price decline can also occur adjusting the conditions of stock of goods that are likely to be many in the market.

5. Keystone Pricing

Keystone Pricing is a technique of determining selling prices that is done by doubling the capital value of a product. For example: if a jacket is made with $10 to sell it at a profit of 100%, then the customer has to pay $20 to get the jacket.

Use the Right Selling Price Method

For those of you who run a business, make sure you have understood well how to determine the selling price. There are many methods of calculating the selling price that can be used. As much as possible you use the right method from the beginning, so that business sales can bring profits and all services and production have been costly.

Rabu, 02 Februari 2022

How to Save Money for a Student

How to Save Money for a Student

Saving could be a smart solution to managing finance so that it doesn't get messy. Not everyone can save a portion of their money to save, let alone those who are still students.

This is quite a difficult thing to do, considering the source of the money earned comes from parents. Even so, you can do some of the following tips in managing finances so that you who are still students can save more effectively.

Saving Tips for Students

For students, the money earned usually comes from parents. Instead of just running out for snacks, this money should also be saved. With the savings, you can use it as you want, such as buying new gadgets, shoes, and so on.

Maybe students find it difficult to save some of their money, because the amount that parents give is not too much. But if there is an intention, you can still save even if the amount is not much. Here are some saving tips you can do.

1. Get used to saving every day despite the small amount

The first thing students have to do is get used to saving every day, even though the numbers are small. When you regularly save money, and every day, it's going to be the first step you can manage money better in the future.

Although small the amount but if you do it regularly, it will produce something big. If one day you forget to put the money in your account, you're going to double your usual amount instead.

2. Reduce the unfortunate hanging-out habits

Going out with a friend is not the wrong thing. But you need to know the spending limit if you're doing such hang-out. Remember that the allowance that parents gave us should not go to waste just to hang out.

You must have something else you want to have, right? So less hanging out. If you can't be away from friends, just ask them to come out and make fun of themselves without having to spend a lot of money.

3. Take provisions from home

Students and daily snacks are indeed unbreakable, this is what keeps the students from spending money on their parents. Well, instead of keeping out the allowance, it's good to bring your own provisions from home. You could call it bread, snacks, fruits, other interesting menus and drinks, and you could get mom at home to make you a favorite lunch.

4. Don't underestimate the penny

Often get change? Don't throw it out or leave it lying around like it's useless. You can keep it in a piggy bank or a jar, and in a very unexpected moment, this penny can save you!

5. Leave my allowance

When looking in the wallet still had quite a lot of money, few people seemed to be itching to spend it. It's a natural intuition, but you can get around to it by leaving it to someone you trust, such as a mother, a sister, a teacher at a school or a college professor.

In order to be effective, you can make a deal or a rule with the man the money is owed. Like the problems with the check every day, like the cash deposit system to the bank, and then when the money could be taken. This is so savings activities can be more disciplined.

6. Spend money wisely

After putting aside some of the hard-earned allowance, if the savings were already collected then spend it wisely. Don't lose sight of it and spend it on less useful consumptive things. Remember how you fought when you held it together bit by bit.

7. Create expense posts

In order for the allowance parents give them to be more clear where it has gone, it is better to start making their own expense posts. If you live in a boarding house and away from the parents, then for pocket money in some post. Starting from savings, food and snacks, toiletries and other expenses.

By sharing it in your own posts, it will help you regulate and monitor where your allowance is issued. So, if an individual's allowance gets sent to you, you're likely to be more skillful at managing it and not be working out so quickly.

8. Note expenses

After creating any expense posts to pay, don't forget also to record each expense you make. For example, expenses for snacks, transportation, tasks and so on. By logging or at least keeping a purchasing receipt, you can better know where your allowance is spent.

In the future it will be easy for you to sort out the expenses, which are important and which ones should be reduced. Therefore, the excess pocket money could be deposited in savings or other important items.

Recording of daily expenditure in the bud will help you be better at managing your finances in the future. So, don't underestimate any expense, make a good record so you can evaluate it later.

9. Differentiate between needs and desires

As a student, there may not be many who can tell the difference between needs and desires, even if they're quite easy. Why is this important? By understanding the difference of needs and desires, you can control the use of money to consumptive things in the future. So there is no reason not to save because it is running out of money.

In school or college, it should be the first step to be able to tell the difference between what needs and what needs are, and then which should come first. Necessity is something that must be met immediately and cannot be deferred, while desire is more flexible.

At this age, if you still cannot choose the priorities between the needs and the wants, you can be sure that you will be in a haze over money. It is possible that the allowance from the parents will always be depleted without leaving even less.

10. Take advantage of deals and discounts

In certain moments, many sellers, both offline and online, often offer deals and discounts. Well, to save you money, you could use a deal, a discount on offer. The rest of the expenses you can set aside for the savings or the savings.

Make sure to adjust to your needs and not just desire.