Rabu, 12 Januari 2022

Indonesian Entrepreneurs Remain Optimistic There Will Be An Improvement in Retail Sales in 2022

Indonesian Entrepreneurs Remain Optimistic There Will Be An Improvement in Retail Sales in 2022

Retail entrepreneurs are increasingly optimistic about their business growth prospects in 2022. This is also in line with the optimism of increasing public consumption.

This increase in public consumption is also actually reflected in the increase in some early indicators, such as consumer confidence and retail sales.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Shopping Center Managers (APPBI) Alphonzus Widjaja said he was optimistic that shopping centers would begin to gradually recover to normal in the second half of this year.

"So, the average rate of visits to shopping centers in 2022 will reach a range of 70% to 80%," Alphonzus said on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.

Alphonzus said the increase in visits has indeed begun to look better in 2021, which is about 60% of the pre-pandemic Covid-19. Although not yet 100%, but this is at least better than the average visit in 2020 which is only about 50%.

Although it has a bright outlook, Alphonzus does not deny there are still risks associated with the spread of Covid-19. Especially now that a new variant is Omicron.

However, he is optimistic that the risks can be suppressed as the government's efforts to complete vaccination of 70% of the population from March 2022 to April 2022 and the booster vaccination begins today.

This condition will further encourage the recovery of business conditions, plus drive people's desire to shop and its implications on increasing household consumption growth and economic growth.

Similarly, the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Shopping Center Tenant Association (Hippindo) Tutum Rahanta is also optimistic that conditions in 2022 will be better, although there are still risks from Omicron.

Thus, the recovery in this year is still dependent on recovery from the health side.

"But I don't think Omicron is worried. It will be better and some will return to normal. Some are waiting for other sectors to return to running so that purchasing power can really recover," Tutum said.

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